Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Run Review and how does it work?

A run review is a way for you to get instant coaching for your horse and yourself! It works just like an in person clinic would but this way is even better, let me tell you why! In person you would make a run and then Fallon would coach you through what you need to improve to get faster and win! What's better about an online run review is that you get to send in the run that has the biggest mistakes or the run that's most typical to you so you can get the most out of the coaching not having to make the run in person. This is the fraction of the cost with no hauling fees and you don't have to book months in advance! Fallon Taylor will breakdown everything based off your run including the alley, all three barrels, speed, body position, equipment and so much more!

How do I send my run to Fallon?

Upon purchasing a run review, you'll receive further instructions on how to submit your video and how you will receive your coaching once Fallon has reviewed your video.

Can I purchase a run review more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the another run review.